Total Eclipse of the Heart

Why the southern US?

X “Marks” the spot!

I think the universe is trying to say we are at a crossroads or portal. Texas and Tennessee. Sounds like TNT 😉

The upcoming eclipse is fascinating in so many synromystical ways. In SEVEN days, people in the US (from Sea to shining Sea) can observe a total solar eclipse. The day will become night for about 2 minutes. The longest TOTALITY is where X Marks the spot of the 2017 eclipse and the 2014 eclipse. On August 21, 2017, the longest point of totality is in Southern Illinois, (aka “little Cairo”), (aka New Madrid seismic zone), and the area code of that region is 618.


There has been discussion about the Prime Meridian, as it is a symbolic point of East meets West. IMO, the solar eclipse and longest totality at 618 is about transcending space and time and coming to the end of a journey that has become confused and quite dense. It’s a cosmic confirmation of our spiritual evolution, and the Merovingians are spiritual archetypes and front and center of this beautiful happening.

The numbers 6 and 9 are both each other. When I see 6, I think it’s both six and nine, and vice versa. The 618 could be expressed in code as 918 or 819 or 816, etc. Speaking of Merovingians, I think it is very interesting that Frank’s birthday is 8.1.6_ (I asked him if I could put this in blog and he said ok, JSYK 😉 ). Not only is the birthday code interesting, his header on Merovee blog is a star child, AND he lives on the Prime Meridian! The date August 1st is the zodiac sign Leo, which makes this next part even more syncromystical…

During the eclipse in seven days from now, the total eclipse of the sun will be conjunct Regulus, or better known as the “heart of the Lion”, as Regulus is the fixed star of the fire sign Leo, the only sign in the zodiac ruled by the Sun. 


Regulus (n.) bright star in constellation Leo, 1550s, Modern Latin, apparently first so-called by Copernicus, literally “little king,” diminutive of rex “king” (from PIE root *reg- “move in a straight line,” with derivatives meaning “to direct in a straight line,” thus “to lead, rule”). Probably a translation of Basiliskos “little king,” a Hellenistic Greek name for the star, mentioned in Geminos and Ptolemy (in the “Almagest,” though elsewhere in his writings it is usually “the star on the heart of Leo”); perhaps a translation of Lugal “king,” said to have been the star’s Babylonian name. Klein holds it to be a corruption of Arabic rijl (al-asad)“paw of the lion” (compare Rigel).

The sun is the ruling energy of time in our current “time”, because we are going by a solar calendar. But in fact, the entire sky is one big churning entity that is a complex (yet not too complex) system of telling “time”.

There are more interesting numbers encoded at the longest point of totality. As I mentioned above, longest totality is in southern Illinois, which is also the X for the 2024 eclipse and that area (618) has given itself the title of Eclipse Crossroads of America. The starting time for this one happening on Monday is 1:21 p.m. The number 121 is also a very important number to US Merovingians, not one, but two very important people and I’ll just call them Osiris and Horus 😉


This journey leading up to the eclipse became a hurricane of symbolic events and it became super intense starting with 9/11, and got even more so with the 2004 and 2012 transits of VENUS.

channel (n.) early 14c., “bed of running water,” from Old French chanel “bed of a waterway; tube, pipe, gutter,” from Latin canalis “groove, channel, waterpipe” (see canal). Given a broader, figurative sense 1530s (of information, commerce, etc.); meaning “circuit for telegraph communication” (1848) probably led to that of “band of frequency for radio or TV signals” (1928).



2004 Transit of Venus

What happened in 2004?

  • Queen Elizabeth II christens the RMS Queen Mary 2 cruise liner, currently the largest ocean liner in the world
  • Simultaneous explosions on rush hour trains in Madrid kill 190 people. Five suspects blow themselves up
  • Lance Armstrong of Austin, Texas wins an unprecedented 6th consecutive Tour de France cycling title
  • Hurricane Charley kills 12 people in Florida after killing four in Cuba and one in Jamaica.
  • The Boston Red Sox win the World Series in baseball for the first time since 1918.
  • The Statue of Liberty is reopened to the public
  • Following ethnic cleansing by government backed militia in Darfur, Sudan one million people flee their homes
  • After striking Grenada, Jamaica and Cuba, Hurricane Ivan strikes mainland US with winds in excess of 130MPH causing massive damage and loss of life.
  • Facebook is launched as a social networking site only open to students from Harvard in February by Mark Zuckerberg
  • Hurricane Jeanne killed over 3,000, most in Haiti.
  • After increases in Fuel Prices the Major Oil Companies make the highest profits in History Exxon Mobile — $242,365 Billion, Royal Dutch Shell $235,598 Billion, British Petroleum $232,571 Billion
  • Janet Jackson’s breast is briefly exposed by Justin Timberlake during the Super Bowl halftime show

And, the most devastating…on 12.26.2004

  • The strongest earthquake in 40 years originates from the Indian Ocean close to Indonesia, measuring 9.3 on the Richter Scale. Creating tsunami waves that sweep across much of the coastlines of Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, the Maldives, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. At least 290,000 people are confirmed to have died from South Asia to as far as South Africa.

Thailand (previously known as Siam… I am) has a city that is often called the best city in the world.

Bangkok can be added to the list of cities that use waterways as frequent transit (Amsterdam, Venice, San Antonio).



a channel “bed of running water,”

The Latin word lucifer, corresponding to Greek φωσφόρος, was used as a name for the morning star and thus appeared in the Vulgate translation of the Hebrew word הֵילֵל (helel), meaning Venus as the brilliant, bright or shining one, in Isaiah 14:12, where the Septuagint Greek version uses, not φωσφόρος, but ἑωσφόρος. As a translation of the same Hebrew word the King James Version gave “Lucifer”, a name often understood as a reference to Satan. Modern translations of the same passage render the Hebrew word instead as “morning star”, “daystar”, “shining one” or “shining star”. In Revelation 22:16, Jesus is referred to as the morning star, but not as lucifer in Latin, nor as φωσφόρος in the original Greek text, which instead has ὁ ἀστὴρ ὁ λαμπρὸς ὁ πρωϊνός (ho astēr ho lampros ho prōinos), literally: the star, the shining one, the dawn. In the Vulgate Latin text of 2 Peter 1:19 the word “lucifer” is used of the morning star in the phrase “until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts”, the corresponding Greek word being φωσφόρος.

Lucifer Night Club tourism destinations

“circuit for telegraph communication”


2012 Transit of Venus

What happened in 2012?

  • The Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II celebrating the 60th anniversary of her ascension to the throne in 1952 takes place, with celebrations throughout the year in the United Kingdom and around the world.
  • A gunman opens fire at a midnight screening of “The Dark Knight Rises” in Aurora, Colorado, killing twelve and injuring fifty-eight people on July 20th. The suspected shooter James Holmes was captured by police and his trial was scheduled for February of 2014.
  • The Summer Olympics are held in London, England from July 27th to August 12th. The top three medal winning countries during the games were the United States, China and Great Britain. US Swimmer Michael Phelps became the most decorated Olympian of all time after bringing his medal count to twenty-two at these games.
  • Hurricane Sandy devastates the US East Coast and kills around two-hundred people on the US Coast and in the Caribbean in October.
  • The Mars Science Laboratory or “Curiosity Rover” successfully lands on Mars.
  • US President Barack Obama is re-elected for his second term after running against Republican opponent Mitt Romney.
  • Twenty-year-old Adam Lanza attacked Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut shooting and killing 26 people on December 14th, most of the victims were children. Lanza killed himself before he could be caught. The attack was recorded as the second deadliest mass shooting committed by a single gunman in US history and opened up further discussion on gun control and mental health.
  • Hugo Chavez is re-elected as the president of Venezuela, however his failing health prevents him from leading as he undergoes several surgeries and he dies in early 2013.
  • Whitney Houston, widely recognized as one of the greatest voices in history, dies in the bathtub of a hotel at the age of forty-eight after drowning due to a drug overdose on February 11th
  • The end of the Mayan calendar
  • “On Friday, Dec. 21st, there will be a transit of Venus visible from Saturn, and we will be watching it using  the Cassini spacecraft,” says Phil Nicholson, a Cassini science team member from Cornell University. “This will be the first time a transit of Venus has been observed from deep space.”

Venus transits are always in pairs, eight years apart.

The second most recent transit of Venus observed from Earth took place on June 8, 2004. The event received significant attention, since it was the first Venus transit after the invention of broadcast media. No human alive at the time had witnessed a previous Venus transit since that transit occurred on December 6, 1882.

channel – “band of frequency for radio or TV signals”

The last transit of Venus was on 5 and 6 June 2012, and was the last Venus transit of the 21st century; the prior transit took place on 8 June 2004. The previous pair of transits were in December 1874 and December 1882. The next transits of Venus will be on 10–11 December 2117, and 8 December 2125.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Assuming you watch the Perseid show this morning, don’t pack up when twilight starts to paint the sky. About 45 minutes before the Sun comes up, look for a bright object hovering just above the horizon in the east-southeast. This is the night sky’s brightest star, magnitude –1.5 Sirius in the constellation Canis Major. From mid-northern latitudes, the luminary climbs some 4° high a half-hour before sunrise and should stand out if you have a clear and unobstructed horizon. The return of Sirius to the predawn sky was an occasion for celebration in ancient Egypt. Around 3000 b.c., this so-called heliacal rising of Sirius heralded the coming flood of the Nile River, an event upon which agriculture — and all life in Egypt — depended.

a flood of frequency is coming…

channel (n.) early 14c., “bed of running water,” from Old French chanel “bed of a waterway; tube, pipe, gutter,” from Latin canalis “groove, channel, waterpipe” (see canal). Given a broader, figurative sense 1530s (of information, commerce, etc.); meaning “circuit for telegraph communication” (1848) probably led to that of “band of frequency for radio or TV signals” (1928).




39 thoughts on “Total Eclipse of the Heart”

  1. Hello Gene of Isis and really love the article and I after seeing article of you I was seeing something on internet saying that there is another solar eclipse occurring approx. 7 months after the solar eclipse that is occurring on August 21 and you can see Wikipedia article about next solar eclipse occurring approx. 7 months after solar eclipse of August 21 and I think it is really extremely interesting synchronicity about the next solar eclipse occurring approx. 7 months after August 21 solar eclipse and I think 7 is number of merge and I think day of calendar of next solar eclipse is really extremely interesting and possibly you would like to be seeing Wikipedia article about next solar eclipse and this is article:,_2018

    You can be seeing in that article that solar eclipse of February 15 is partial solar eclipse and I think solar eclipse of August 21 being total solar eclipse is code about Osiris person turning into nothing person and Osiris person was going into underworld hell place and then Osiris was turning into nothing person and when Osiris was being nothing person Osiris was getting reborn from Mega Love of goddess Isis and right now Osiris is being person who really extremely Mega Loves goddess Isis and Osiris is being person who really extremely more than more than Mega Loves goddess Isis and I think goddess Isis would not like to be going to underworld hell place and I think goddess Isis would not like to be turning into nothing person in way that Osiris person was going to underworld hell place and turning into nothing person and I think that solar eclipse of February 15 being partial solar eclipse and not total solar eclipse is code about goddess Isis not turning into nothing person in way that Osiris person was turning into nothing person and that is what I think and what I think doesn’t matter and possibly you think something different about partial eclipse being on February 15 and anyway I think total solar eclipse of August 21 is code about Osiris person turning into nothing person and then getting reborn from Mega Love of goddess Isis and right now Osiris is being person who really extremely loves goddess Isis and Osiris person is being person who really extremely more than loves goddess Isis and Osiris is being person who thinks that goddess Isis is really extremely more than perfect and OK that is all and I think what I was just writing in this comment is something close to what mythology books are saying about the myth of goddess Isis and Osiris person and possibly the mythology books are saying something different and anyway that is what I think the myth is saying and I think that is really interesting story about goddess Isis and Osiris person and OK right now sister is being in house where I am and right now I would like to be talking to sister and right now I will stop writing words of comment.

    M person

  2. Another great article from you, sestra…and you’ve clearly taken some time putting the facts together. YES…I think you’re on the right track about X marks the spot and TNT. I’ve been getting the sense we’re at the precipice of something very special…and quite mystical and magical.

    And well, anyway, it’s just Alchemy! Got a match?

    1. “Osiris, in his earliest Axis Munde form of a tamarisk tree trunk, was called Djed. His later mummy wrappings were symbolic of his having been encased inside a tree trunk. His mummy was therefore an Axis Munde… When Osiris was enclosed in the trunk of a tamarisk tree, which was later cut down and used as a pillar in the palace of the King of Byblos, he metaphorically became as one with the Tree of Life. Osiris became the Axis Munde around which the heavens appear to revolve; he became the World Pillar, the link between the terrestrial and celestial worlds. He held the heavens in his outstretched arms, and he soaked up the word of God from the waters of the Netherworld. In Ancient Egypt the Netherworld was called the ‘Netterworld’ meaning the ‘World of the gods’. The gods had their home among the stars.”

      Netherworld is world of the gods…
      The Netherlands
      Netherlands – from Dutch Nederland, literally “lower land”

      Dutch (adj.)
      “Hollanders;” from Middle Dutch duutsch, from Old High German duitisc, from Proto-Germanic *theudo “popular, national” (source of Modern German Deutsch), from PIE root *teuta- “tribe” (compare Teutonic). It corresponds to the Old English adjective þeodisc “belonging to the people,”

      1808, native name, Tai, literally “free.”

      river in Southeast Asia, Thai, from me “mother” + khong “river, large stream.”

      name of Thailand before 1939 and from 1945-48, from Thai sayam, from Sanskrit syama “dark,” in reference to the relative skin color of the people.

      alchemy (khemet)
      Perhaps from an old name for Egypt (Khemia, literally “land of black earth,” found in Plutarch)

  3. Hello Gene of Isis and I like you-tube of boat that goes to lots of different places and I think that boat is going to ice place that is close to South Pole place and I like you-tubes of Argentina country place and when I was seeing those you-tubes of Argentina country place I was thinking that buildings in those you-tubes are looking really a lot like village city where I am right now and for example there is building in one of those you-tubes that looks really a lot like railroad terminal building where I went tonight with sister and other buildings in those you-tube look like building that I was showing to sister on street where Fiat car was parked and I really love village city where I am right now and village city where I am is really seeming to be lots of different places of world place all in one village place and I think that is something about people being able to go to different places without going out of the village cities or cities where they already are and I think there are really lots of things to be seeing in village place where I am right now and I really extremely like village city where I am right now being more than any other place of world place and I really extremely love village city where I am right now being and I would like to go to Argentina country place if sister would like to be going to Argentina place and I would like to be going on boat to South Pole if sister would like to be going to South Pole and I would like to be going on boat to any other place if sister would like to be going on boat to any other place and OK right now sister is sending text to telephone of me and right now will stop writing words of comment and right now I would like to be saying that I really more than extremely love to be seeing Holy Grail and I think Holy Grail is really extremely perfect and I think Holy Grail is really extremely more than perfect and OK that is all and right now will stop writing words of comment.

    M person

    1. Hi M!

      “gradalis or gradale via an earlier form, cratalis, a derivative of crater or cratus, which was, in turn, borrowed from Greek krater (κρατήρ, a large wine-mixing vessel). Alternative suggestions include a derivative of cratis, a name for a type of woven basket that came to refer to a dish, or a derivative of Latin gradus meaning “‘by degree’, ‘by stages’, applied to a dish brought to the table in different stages or services during a meal”.” – wikipedia

      I always think of woven baskets as a symbol of the ALL, and the weaving is weaving a story of archetypes in which we experience happenings in the dream world of this 3D reality. The part in the above definition from wikipedia says it is a derivative of gradus meaning “by degree”, which makes the upcoming eclipse very interesting, given that it starts in Oregon (the 33rd state to join the union and the state motto is “She flies with her own wings”) and the eclipse ends in South Carolina on the 33rd parallel.

      Late medieval writers came up with an alternative etymology for sangréal. In Old French, san graal or san gréal means “Holy Grail” and sang réal means “royal blood”. – wikipedia

      Charles (Charleston, South Carolina) Charlemagne means “King of the Franks”

  4. MJ

    On the day after the 8/8 Lionsgate I re-read your Rainbow article.

    On my WP app, it shows the timing of when everyone’s article are published which surprised me but shouldn’t do really.

    ROAR and your article were published within an hourof each other . And a few hours later up popped the Pink Rainbow.

    And about Charles – Jesu Is Charlie !

  5. Pingback: Time | Merovee
  6. Hello Gene of Isis and that is interesting comment about Osiris and Tree and other things and I was writing lots of words of comment to be replying to comment of you and then I was thinking that no people want to be reading that comment of me and then I was thinking that I will send that comment of me in internet letter to you and then I computer machine was not working and then I was somehow deleting that comment of really lots of words and then was going into yard of house where I am and then insects were biting me and those insects would not stop biting me and there was itch and rash and sting energy on face of me and there was some kind of slime stuff being on face of me and that was slime stuff that was seeming like I would like to be putting water on face of me and there was itch and rash and sting and blister energy being on other part of human suit of me and there was itch energy going on foot of me and there was itch energy going in other parts of human suit of me and I am wondering if any other people of Blade and Chalice internet place are thinking that unpleasant energy things are happening to human suits of those people in way that those unpleasant energy things are happening to human suits of those people in supernatural way of Magic Dream and not in any kind of natural or normal way and not in any way that has biological cause and only in way that is supernatural or magical way of unpleasant energy things going on human suits of people and that is what I am right now wondering and OK that is comment and thank you and right now I will stop writing this comment.

    M person

  7. Hello Gene of Isis and thank you for comment about Osiris and that is comment saying things about myth of Osiris and I don’t think anything is revolving around Osiris and I don’t think Osiris is any kind of Axis Mundi and I don’t think Osiris is any kind of anything else and I think Osiris is person who is being in electrum house with cat and I think Osiris is person who really extremely loves to be seeing goddess Isis and Osiris really extremely Mega Loves goddess Isis and Osiris really extremely more than Mega Loves goddess Isis and Osiris thinks goddess Isis really extremely perfect and Osiris thinks that goddess Isis is really extremely more than perfect and Osiris thinks that goddess Isis is really extremely and absolutely beautiful in the most perfect way and Osiris really really extremely extremely Mega Loves and more than Mega Loves twin sister who is goddess Isis and OK that is my comment and that is all and that is all that I am knowing and that is only thing that I am knowing and OK right now I think sister is bringing special lunch to house where I am and I will really extremely love to be seeing sister and OK that is all and that is what would like to be writing in this particular comment.

    M person

  8. Hello Gene of Isis and comment of you about archetype and baskets is interesting and I think baskets are symbol of goddess Isis twin sister of Osiris and I think there are lots of different kinds of archetype people in world place and I think all people archetypes are interesting and I like all people of world place and I like comment of you about Holy Grail and I don’t know anything and I am only knowing that I think Holy Grail is goddess Isis who is twin sister of Osiris and I think Holy Grail is really extremely and absolutely beautiful in the most perfect way and I think Holy Grail is really extremely and absolutely perfect in all ways and I think all things about Holy Grail are really extremely and absolutely more than perfect and right now Holy Grail is being in electrum and right now Holy Grail is in room of electrum where there is particle machine and right now I would like to be going to see Holy Grail in that room of electrum and I really extremely extremely love to be seeing Holy Grail in electrum and OK that is comment of me and I really extremely extremely Mega Love and more than Mega Love the Holy Grail and Holy Grail is right no being in particle machine room of electrum and right now I would like to be going to see Holy Grail in that room of electrum and I rreally extremely love to be seeing Holy Grail and OK that is all and thank you for reading comment.

    M person

  9. Hello Gene of Isis and I like comment of you saying about Netherworld being world of the gods and I think it is interesting that word Netherworld sounds like name of Netherlands country place and I think Netherlands country place is OK place and about name Thai meaning “Free” I think that is because people of Thailand country place or Siam were getting free from some place where those people were not liking government or war or something like that and I can’t remember why people of Thai people were called “free” people and I remember seeing or reading things about that and I am only remembering that Thai people were called Free people or something like that and I think Thailand or Siam country place is in some ways freer than other country places and I think Thailand or Siam country place is in some ways less free than other country places and I think Thailand country place is OK place and I think all places of world place are OK places and I extremely love to be in village city where I am right now being and I think village city where I am right now being is really extremely different than any other place where I was before and village city where I am right now is place that I like more than all other places of world place and I really extremely love village city where I am right now and I think village city where I am right now is perfect and possibly other people of world place think other places are perfect and possibly not and either way I think world place will be transforming in way that all places of world place will be garden of gods or possibly only some people will think world place is garden of gods and other people will still think that world place is only world place or possibly world place will be disappearing and people will be in some other place and either way I think people will be in place where there are only things that people are liking and think that place where people will be is garden of gods place and I think people will really like being in garden of gods place and OK that is what I think about places of world place and that is what I think about garden of gods and what I think doesn’t matter and I really don’t know anything about what is this place where are right now being and I really don’t know anything about any place of the gods and right now I am knowing only that I think The Holy Grail is really extremely perfect and I think The Holy Grail is really extremely more than perfect and I think The Holy Grail is really extremely beautiful in the most perfect way and OK that is what I am right now thinking about The Holy Grail and that is all and right now Sky looks really orange from the setting of the sun and right now I would like to go look at that sunset and I think that possibly Holy Grail will be going to electrum sometime after sunset and I will extremely love to be seeing Holy Grail in electrum and OK that is all and right now will stop writing words of comment.

    M person

    P.S. In comment of you I was seeing words about alchemy being something about darkness of something in Egypt and I think alchemy is about Holy Grail and I think all thinks that I am liking are things about Holy Grail and I really extremely love to be seeing The Holy Grail of The Electrum

  10. Hello people of Blade and Chalice internet place and I would like to be putting in this comment one you-tube about eclipse of sun and I think different people see different codes and symbols in the same you-tubes and I think you-tube that I am putting in this comment is you-tube about eclipse of sun occurring and then world place being place where brother and sister are liking to be or possibly world place will be disappearing and brother and sister will be in some other place where they are liking to be and I don’t like end part of the you-tube that I am putting in this comment and that is end part of you-tube where tree is getting angry and I think OK if people are ignoring that part of you-tube and I would like people to be seeing all parts of you-tube that I am putting in this comment except for last part of you-tube where tree is getting angry and if people would like to be seeing any or all parts of this you-tube that is OK and if people don’t want to be seeing any or all parts of this you-tube that is OK and OK right now I would like to be putting you-tube about eclipse of the sun in this comment and this is you-tube:

  11. Hello and you-tube that I was putting in previous comment of me was not you-tube that I was writing comment about and you-tube that I was writing words about in that comment is different you-tube and there was something in Magic Dream occurring in way that mind of me is more than sometimes being confused and when I was writing previous comment I was thinking that I would like to be putting you-tube about eclipse of sun in that comment and this is that you-tube about eclipse of sun:

    OK that is you-tube about eclipse of sun.

    M person


    1. Hi M! I love those Wizard of Oz Pink Floyd videos. The tornado (meaning to turn) is of course the windmill of mind churning. The first letter of the Hebrew aleph bet is aleph, and it is the force of air, because everything is always first, a thought.
      The aleph spinning is a tornado.
      From Gnostic Teachings website:
      The letter א Aleph when rotating is like a swastika, like a fan. The rotating Aleph is the wind, the hurricane (the head of God). When Aleph is rotating, spinning, it is making of the air a circle – a single Iod – that descends through the letter ל Lamed to your head.
      aleph-breathThe top half of the letter ל Lamed is called “a tower hovering in space.” The topmost י dot or point of the letter ל Lamed represents Kether. That י point emerges from א Aleph, stretches, and makes the line that nose-dives as the wind that descends into your head, which is formed by the lower half of the letter ל Lamed: a letter כ Kaf, which is almost like a half circle that descends a little bit to the bottom. That half circle is the brain, your head. ל Lamed is the tower or the power from י Iod, the head of God descending into the letter Vav and into כ Kaf, your head, and finally arriving at your throat.

  12. Hello Gene of Isis and that is interesting about tornado being windmill of mind churning and that is interesting about everything being first a thought or possibly comment of you is meaning something different and I think Magic Dream is something that Source was somehow thinking up or possibly Magic Dream of Source was something that was only occurring and either way I think Magic Dream is really extremely incredible and I don’t know what exactly Magic Dream is and really don’t know anything about what exactly Magic Dream is and right now the only thing that I am really knowing is that I extremely love to be seeing Holy Grail and just a few minutes ago Holy Grail was transported from House of The Sun to House of The Electrum and I always extremely love to be knowing that Holy Grail is going to The House of The Electrum and I think that Holy Grail is absolutely and really extremely and absolutely beautiful in the most perfect way and I think all things about Holy Grail are really extremely and absolutely perfect and more than perfect and OK right now I would like to stop writing words in computer machine and right now I am going to see The Glorious and Exotic Holy Grail of The Electrum and OK that is all and that is comment and right now will stop writing words in computer machine.

    M person

  13. Hi Goi,
    I took off my various shoes to come here because the pairs I was wearing over at MV last week had my panties in a bundchen. When Frank said “roar” I took him literally and my lion ripped up my gazelle.

    I’ve come here to walk in graceful.

    I’ve been thinking of your opening image of the crossing of two paths of totality and considering it next to the most popular virgin of the confederate flag…where 13 (IE) voids in the shape of stars are cut out of a blue river bordered by white banks.×405/local/-/media/2015/06/23/JacksonMS/B9317835285Z.1_20150623225102_000_G9VB5OS6E.1-0.jpg

    Aside from contemporary connotations, what if the stars are 13 states of being? Not sure what they may be but interesting to muse over.

    Let us know how the experience is if you see the totality. I love how you and Jenny are always positive.

    1. KaBa-Anon,
      I’ve been wanting to reply for two daze now, and I did a new article that was supposed to be a response to your comets, then I got all AIR headed and it took its own path and now I still want to reply but it will take me a second. See, I’m an air sign, aquarius. And I know you’re an air sign too. I have trouble focusing and then I start thinking too much and then I’m just like

  14. Hello Gene of Isis and before I was saying that if you are putting one more new comment in Blade and Chalice then I will be seeing number code that I am not liking and right now I was putting one comment with only comma in Blade and Chalice and I am putting this comment in Blade and Chalice and after putting these two comments I am thinking that number code is more OK and I think all number codes and other codes are OK and anyway I am really more than sometimes seeing codes that I don’t like to be seeing and when I am seeing those codes that I don’t like to be seeing I am also getting energy things that I am not liking if am not doing or thinking particular things in response to those codes that I am seeing and I think I will see what occurs if I am not doing or thinking anything when I am seeing those codes and possibly I will keep getting energy that I don’t like when not doing anything or thinking anything about those codes or possibly I won’t keep getting energy that I don’t like and anyway that is comment about codes and energy and I think not possible for you to be understanding what is occurring with those codes and energy and right now I might get energy attack or energy meltdown from these words of comment not being written in particular way that I would like these words to be written and possibly I won’t get energy meltdown or energy attack from these words not being written in particular way that I would like these words to be written and either way I really extremely don’t like writing words and I think I will get energy meltdown if I continue to be writing words in computer machine and OK that is comment codes and words and energy and right now I will stop writing words in computer machine.

    M person

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